I've been given a lot of freedom lately,
and I am very grateful.
The drawing for this hare tattoo was meant for someone else,
but they didn't end up getting tattooed,
so a very talented local tattoo artist claimed it instead.
That made it a little more stressful, of course,
but it went really well
and I'm happy it all worked out.

It's so hot in Minneapolis this week
that I even went swimming last night.
In a lake.
On purpose.
Meryl told me we were doing it,
and I was too hot to resist.
So in Lake Nokomis,
during a beautiful sunset with my beautiful wife,
I switched back and forth from doggy paddling to floating on my back
while she swam around me
and watched me take gulps of gross lake water.
I can't wait for autumn.
I can't wait for chilly nights and backyard fires.
There's a very comfortable temperature somewhere between -30 and 98,
it just can't be found in Minnesota most of the year.
Luckily the shop has air conditioning, kinda,
and I spend all my time there.
I hope someone out there is enjoying their summer,
and they come get tattooed and tell me all about it.
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